Member-only story
The concept of vibration has intrigued me my entire life. Whether it was vibrational consciousness or vibrational acting, the passion to help people connect the energetic chord to the universally charged outlet has driven me to truly understand vibrational harmony. Before I get too far into this topic, I would like to let you know what it means for you.
When your vibration is in harmony, you will be the happiest you will ever be. I’m not just talking about the type of happiness you get when you get a raise or a new toy. I’m referring to a happiness, as well as joy, that knows no bounds and has no reasons for being, other than the fact that it comes directly from the light-filled heart of the Universe.
You may be wondering what in the world am I talking about? And to answer your question, it’s pretty simple. One of the most important ways is RELEASING JUDGMENT.
- RELEASING JUDGMENT OF ALL THINGS. If you’ve ever felt like your life is lacking in lightheartedness or joy, I can guarantee you it’s because you’re judging everything that comes into your life. You’re declaring it to be something other than what it is.
For example, you get into a car accident and your car is completely totaled. Do you go into a panic and think of the worst case scenario? Or do you take a step back, give…