Member-only story
Channeling Spirit: Prospering When The World’s Economy Dries Up
I remember being a child fully able to rely on my Source, that was my parents, at the time.
I never needed anything except the faith and belief that I would receive what I was asking for, because I had already made up my mind.
It took my friend in Spirit, Ohaudin, (Oh-Hyde-En) to open my eyes to see how this worked in my life. This revelation opened me up to a foolproof realization:
“Judge not by appearance, but be in right judgment. It will be done unto you as you believe it to be.” -Jesus
Jesus, the master way shower, gave us the most amazing truth for living not only through tough times, but through all times.
I consulted my guide earlier to request insight on prospering through these uncertain times. This is what Ohaudin had to say:
“My Dears, Take the words of Jesus and familiarize yourself with them until they become your personal and spiritual truth. The world’s economy is not stable because it’s based on a foundation that is not eternal. God’s economy is not only unlimited, but it is in you. Spirit has set it up that the inexhaustible Divine bounty and trust that is available to everyone, is inside of you.