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4 Truths Inside The Mind Of The Successful Actor.
Before we get into anything about acting, I’d like you to know one of the most important truths you will ever receive the privilege of hearing:
“Your mind is the most powerful tool you’ve been given to exist within a universe that functions in a mental capacity.”
One of the seven Hermetic laws of the universe is the Law of Mentalism. This law states that everything and anything within the universe is produced by the Mind. First and foremost, the mind of God (Divine) and then the mind of the individual. There’s a dynamic sense of power within this concept, that can transform, not only your career as an actor, but your life!
One of the most integral parts of writing any article like this is to simplify it for the reader so much, that the assimilation of the information is an easy transition. So the first thing I will say that is true for each and every one of us as actors and actresses,
We are where we are in our acting careers because of what our minds have believed to be true…
Now, if you agree with me when I say that, you are ready to step inside the mind of the successful actor. If you are, things will shift for you in a miraculous way that no one could have seen coming.