Member-only story
Manifestation is one of the more popular topics in the world today, especially among spiritually minded people. Manifestation is something that we all have the innate power to do, and surprisingly, we do it every single day of our lives.
Each moment you are manifesting a thought, feeling, emotion or action. All of these concepts are directly related to your deeper sense of self. Or as I would like to call it, your vibrational conciousness.
Vibrational consciousness is your capacity to monitor the frequency that resonates out to the rest of the Universe every moment of your life. It’s pretty phenomenal to think that you are manifesting something every moment of your life.
So with this being the case, why not align that vibration with the highest possible frequency and manifest all that your heart desires?
I’m sure you’ve heard the expression that like attracts like. This is exactly what this is all about. But how do we allow ourselves to step into a vibration that makes our manifestations powerful allies to our everyday lives? Easy! We spend every moment possible raising it as much as we can.
By raising your vibration you will soon see your circumstances match that vibration. The trick is, you can’t control circumstances, but you can…